"Embracing Fulfillment: How to Find Purpose and Joy in Your Senior Years"
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Wherever we may be in life, the feeling that we have a long or short time left will affect the way we see ourselves.
Following are some thoughts from personal experiences as well as from some of my readings about the topic of retirement I share these thoughts as a prayer for anyone else who maybe going through similar transitions:
I have been a single parent for many years, and I have lived a full life that centred around working to support my family. I had not seriously given time to think or plan what I would do when I retire.
Looking back, I’m glad that I chose to retire, prioritising my health so I can have time to care for myself.
1. Self reflection
Retirement is a wake-up time, and it is important to sit down and do some self-reflection. Senior people possess valuable knowledge from past experiences such as work and other significant key moments of learning and achievements in life. The journals I kept over the years have helped me to evaluate where I've come from to where I am.
And these years are behind me. I am now embracing my time of retirement as a whole new season of life to be lived!
I enjoy supporting family members in communities, spending time with them giving appropriate advice/information and resources to help towards addressing the family needs. This adds value into my own life.
2. Families
Belonging to a family is a blessing as we grow into the more senior years of life. Seniors have a key leadership role in our families as long as they're able to. Whether we live with them or at a distance, we can still contribute in ways that keeps that sense of family belonging active.
3. Faith
Senior years is a time to strengthen our spiritual lives. Belonging to a local church helps to know more about God as you experience fellowship with other Christians. Senior groups activities can be times of drawing strengthening as you hear stories of other seniors experiences of personal struggles and victories. Local churches are also there to provide pastoral care and other supports that seniors may need at times.
The following scripture tells us that God cares about us, and he understands everything they go through. God's promises are a good source of encouragement:
1. "And I will still be carrying you when you are old. Your hair will turn gray, and I will still carry you. I made you, and I will carry you to safety" (Isaiah 46:4).
David prayed,
2. "And now, in my old age, don’t set me aside. Don’t forsake me now when my strength is failing" (Psalm 71:9).
3. Communities - finding new friends
Explore local communities where you will find likeminded people who are going through similar transitions. I am currently enjoying making new friends while being a regular member of 'Strength and Balance' group weekly exercise classes for seniors. The coffee get-together times with the group turn into opportunities where we share life experiences. Such wonderful times of sharing with one another about our life experiences - the joys and also experiences from the journey of life.
4. Redeeming the time.
Time is a valuable resource that we have and it's up to us to manage it well so we can get the best out of it. David, the psalmist says,
"Even when I am old and grey, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come." Psalm 71:18
God has a purpose and plan for each one of us. Seniors have a wealth of life experiences to offer, and a role to encourage the younger generations in need. It reminds me that the bible says, "A generous person will prosper whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." (Proverbs 11:25).
"...Receiving a gift usually means that we must give in return. In this case, our giving back is using the wisdom we earned in the first half of our adult lives to make the second half into something special..." and further "...We have every intention of remaining vibrant, dynamic individuals for a long time..."(Gail Rentsch in "Smart Women Don't Retire - They Break Free -The Transition Network)
Senior years can be a time of isolation. Prolonged inactivity, boredom and loneliness often result in suffering from serious health consequences and studies show that isolation significantly accelerates the aging process. It is recommended that the easiest ways for older adults to stay physically and mentally active is through trying new activities, learn something new, that gives the added benefit of also expanding their social circle - (paraphrased from www.chestnutsquare.info
Lastly, "Dream a new dream"
I close this post with the following quote from C.S. Lewis; “You are never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream.” This quote not only encouraged me, but it also reminded me of my dream to write a book. Blogging is a way of bringing that dream into reality.
Lord, I count my blessings in my walk with you, remembering the hard places that you brought me through. Please help me to live these years - to be the best years of my life.
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God bless