Welcoming the new month of April! It's mid-autumn time in New Zealand and looking forward to enjoying some cooler weather. I love the autumn season when the leaves turn gold, orange, and red. So beautiful and wonderful to see the autumn colours all around us.

Despite the many changes we've been through in the last two years, God is faithful, steady, our solid rock and security. He is our refuge and shelter in all the storms of life.
The title of this blog post was inspired during time spent with two of our leaders from church today. This was the first time praying as prayer team members. Although we've known each other for several months, I felt it was appropriate for me to share a part of my testimony as we are going to be praying together as a team.
Thinking back, I am grateful to God that I'm not where I used to be. And the reality is, there is no place for pretence in Christ. Being real is about being vulnerable, being honest that I am still a work in progress, and I admit that I need help and strength from God to continue to have victory in my life. During lunch with the younger woman later in the day, I shared with her about my blog, and I asked her what would bless her when reading through blog posts. She instantly responded, "Keep it real."
Thank you for visiting,
God bless you!