I was waking up to a beautiful new day! I started my day positively with gratitude, grateful for the gift of life and the opportunity to make the most of the day ahead. I will not hold back my gratitude because God deserves it all. In this spirit of worship, I lifted my prayers with confidence, knowing that God was with me, filling me with renewed hope and courage to pursue the good things He has planned for me.
Following God is a journey. In these senior years of life, the journey can sometimes feel so long. Mixed memories remind me of the good and also the bad times. Sometimes, I wish I could erase the negative parts of life—those times of pain and heartache. How easy it is to let go of the present, lose focus and forget that you are no longer there! Then, snapping back into the current moment, I remind myself God was there, holding me up just like He did with others who have faced similar experiences.
And today is a brand-new day! It marks the beginning of a new season and fresh opportunities. Look up, I tell myself.
God speaks to us individually and often uses various sources, even when our spiritual ears may be closed due to discouragement and a lack of faith. We have an amazing whose timing is not for us to determine. Unanswered prayers do not mean that He has forgotten about us. God encourages us to move forward from our current position. He has a plan for our lives regardless of how much time we have left on this journey. God is always with us and will never abandon us.
I have found encouragement from my family, prayers, and discussions with close friends. Additionally, I have been profoundly moved and motivated by multiple affirmations from a dependable Christian blog source, which I regard as a response to my prayers in my quest to hear God's voice. The following resonates with me strongly:
"Behold I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?"
(Isaiah 43:19a, NKJV).
Yes, something new is on the way! It will not delay - it's time to pray."
You are chosen by God.
(If this resonates with you, hear Him say, "Beloved child, I have more for you!
"I have chosen you, and I delight to give you My Kingdom" (Luke 12:32).
... (God is bringing dreams into reality -Enliven Blog, @prophetic teaching Helen Calder)
I reply with a heart full of gratitude, speaking renewed faith into my spirit, to be strong and courageous to persist in chasing my dream of writing and dedicating my talents and skills to serve God. With His grace, I commit to honouring God throughout my life's journey.
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