Specialising in Family Advocacy, Connecting Women and Community Youth
Family Advocacy
Having a wealth of knowledge and experience as a family advocate for social services and indepth understanding of cultural intelligence helps informs an analysis of how families can begin to look after themselves drawing on available resources that they may not be aware of. This can include providing advisory for appropriate assistance to address the family's needs including a customised plan and regular follow ups.
Connecting Women
I am inspired by one of my favourite Bible verses:
Therefore encourage and comfort one another
And build up one another
Just as you are doing
(1 Thess 5:11)
I am especially excited when I get to meet women on a one on one basis, exploring conversations that matter to their individual spiritual growth and future aspirations.
Community Youth
I believe today's young people are facing more complexities than ever before. This generation unfortunately are more likely to be detached from families, seeking belonging through gang affiliations, crime, school truancy, and so much more which can stem from the breakdown of families.
As a grandmother this breaks my heart which is why I am available to encourage and connect to our young people who are our future generation. I believe that there is hope and that it's never too late to love our precious treasures to their fullest potential.