On December 12, 2009, I launched a new blog called "Speak to the Darkness." Initially, the blog served as a platform for me to practice writing about my life experiences, aiming ultimately to realize my dream of becoming an author. Despite my lack of formal training in writing, I was enthusiastic about starting a blog as a step towards writing a book.
The title "Speak to the Darkness" drew inspiration from Isaiah 45:3, which reads, "And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness—secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who calls you by name." This verse imbued me with hope, inspiration, and a sense of adventure in writing. The concept of discovering the 'treasures' and 'secret riches' that God has hidden in the darkness captivated me, making me feel like I was on a treasure hunt.
Through studying the meaning of this scripture, I understood that at the time of this prophecy, God was planning the liberation of the Israelites from Babylonian captivity. He planned to use King Cyrus of Persia to fulfil His purpose. Cyrus would find actual hidden treasures that the Israelites had buried when they were taken captive. These 'treasures in darkness' also symbolized the blessings hidden during difficult times, providing hope and a plan for redemption for the Israelites. In a similar vein, God sent Jesus to die on the cross to redeem us from sin.
Moreover, I have a treasured childhood memory that resonates with the theme of this blog. It involves my grandfather instructing my uncle in the art of oratory. In their evening lessons, my grandfather would speak, and my uncle would attentively listen. Later, my grandfather would encourage my uncle to stand at the front of our fale (Samoan house) and rehearse his speeches to the night. Those evenings were enveloped in complete darkness since our village lacked electricity back then.
Fourteen years have passed since I began blogging, and now I am revisiting that very first entry.
Please note: The post above is an edited version of the initial post that appeared in my first blog https://speak-to-the-darkness.blogspot.com/2009/12/3-december-2009-launch.html )
image source: Nikita @pexels.com